Monday, 15 August 2011

Protagonists at Hackney Wicked 2011

Travel PDG style

 Hackney Wicked is a DIY friendly, multi-locational, jam-packed art and music festival. It also seems to bring good weather on for it's third year in a row. When a nation-wide artist offered a space for us to perform in, we jumped for the chance to bring along new bassist Simon Paton. All seemed well, and we arrived in our van, to play on the sunny tarmac. Alas, the stage was without electricity and therefore no PA. Searching for another spot was a bit of a goose chase, cos Wicked is busy. Was this going to stop us? Of course not, we set up acoustically next to a commercial residence numbered 8B, in the Queens Yard, next to CA Halpins' cube and the barbecues, right in the action. For David we presented a folding table with 3 tyres on top, supporting a traffic cone which rested in cannon position for him to be heard over his accompaniment. You could even make out the words. Meanwhile Simon gave his all on the percussion frame, tom toms and cymbals, SPeW gave one of her best PDG performances to date, and Jonas unified us on drums with added frustrational thrust. Stay tuned for videos of this outdoor Hackney Wicked set.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Farewell Kaz!

Ace multi-instrumentalist, PDG member and all-round good bloke Kaz Ohtani leaves England for Japan today, and all at PDG would like to wish him a safe trip and even more awesomeness for the future! Kaz was one of the original PDG members playing at our first gig in King's Head pub in Acton, in April, our third gig at Art Mart in Hackney, last month, and rehearsing with us a shit load more beside! He came up with many outstanding tunes for our work and provided a great energy throughout his time in the band. To say we will miss him is an understatement, he's been at the core of the creative work for PDG since it started this year. Happy travels Kaz, we hope you come back and play with us again, one day! PDG.

Examples of his great work can be found in the following places: