Sunday, 23 October 2011

A Little About Wilton Herne

It comes over a bit cold when you have a manager who hides from the public. He won't come to industry functions at PRS, he doesn't advertise and so doesn't seem to take on any new clients which is at least good for us. But you wonder how he makes a living. People think we are involved with a deadbeat. A lot of them have asked since our Resonance FM live set, who is Wilton Herne, and why do you keep him as a manager if he doesn't plug you on XFM? Well, it's true he is not on the world wide web since an undisclosed personal issue made him closed about his mere presence. So he won't be reading this, thankfully. But it's not true that he's doesn't deliver. He knows how to lie very well. Whether he lives or works in Bath or not is not the question, but whether he actually has a collection of Walter Sickert's art. This claim made him a target of art dealers of course, but also of police who were interested in whether he knew anything new about Sickert's contemporaries. Was Sickert really creepy for good reason? Many mouth-water over this question. He focused on the macabre either way. What a rotter. No wonder Wilton is into him, for he is so shady. There is nothing more I can say about him. 

Come and hear our new Resonance FM recordings at

We're playing at the open mic at next Weds 26.10.11, 7:30pm at Stokey Records Bar, under Luigi Trattorias restaurant, 98 Stoke Newington Church Street, London N16 0AP. We'd like you to bring a whole lot of beer-bottle caps for our DOOM RADIO recycling drive, and if you bring the most, we'll give you a prize, and the runners up and the winners get a copy of FIRST EDITION EP

Come to a very special gig with the Rude Mechanicals on Friday Dec 9, 7:30pm at Montague Arms, 289, Queens Rd, New Cross, London, SE15 2PA. 
We'd like you to bring a whole lot of beer-bottle caps for our DOOM RADIO recycling drive, and if you bring the most, we'll give you a prize, and the runners up and the winners get a copy of FIRST EDITION EP

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Protagonists on Resonance 104.4 FM

The Hello Goodbye Show hosted by Dexter Bentley heard Protagonists playing a live four-song set, featuring the first ever performance of DOOM RADIO with Reginald Ffolkes. We also mentioned our next show at, Stokey Records Bar, Stoke Newington Church Street, hosted by Spoon. Our new recycling drive invites you to bring as many beer bottle caps as you can, to our show. Whoever brings the most will get a special themed prize, and the runners up will get a copy of our FIRST EDITION EP.

DOOM RADIO at first sounds like a bleak number, foreshadowing the blitz, the obliteration of total annihilation, the fantasy of megalomaniacs, and seeming to piss all over the genuine suffering of the people who actually lived through that world-changing horror of WWII. Well that is an edge that David walks upon, and doesn't seem to mind being misunderstood by those who don't listen carefully. He said very clearly that it's more about the character of Reginald - smug, self-satisfied, and cosy in his radio booth status. He was not like today's radio DJs, but one of the few emergency broadcast system champions. And perhaps he laughed at the kids who had to snuggle up in lead-lined government bunkers, or their own private lead-lined bunkers. David takes the piss of Reginald. It was great to watch him sweat all over it. My, how radio has changed over the decades. But what is the significance of it now? How is the world facing total annihilation? Do we fear nukes anymore? We seem much more in the moment and ready for anything in our hellish happiness, in our 'reasonable insanity'.

A podcast of the live set will be available for streaming on by about Weds 19.10.11. The band felt very welcome and honoured to meet Dexter the host, Michael the co-host, the lovely engineers, and witness the new sponge transforming the kitchen. Those kind of rations are really important in these destitute times. But we still live in excessive abundance, extreme decadence, says Garyloo SPeW our saxophonist. Destitute times sounds strange and I agree, but they still are.