Thursday 31 May 2012

Tonight: SPeW at the Horse Hospital with Miss Roberts and Marina Sic-Bich

Tonight our very own Gardyloo SPeW is guesting with Miss Roberts: "Tonight at The Horse Hospital, Russell Square, Gardyloo Spew, Marina Sic-Bich and myself, experimenting! Wear sturdy underwear." 
With new photography by Kurt Tong
The Horse Hospital
Colonnade, Bloomsbury
London WC1N 1JD

1 comment:

  1. Miss Roberts and the Shaky Eggs of Love were in good form and well received by the audience, whom had just watched 4 very challenging and exacting independent films by Jo Ann Kaplan and Jo Wonder. The songs featured gargling vocals by all 3 players, a brilliant improvised version of Derek, ample harmonican gaps, marshmallow toe nibbling for the whole audience and whoops of appreciation during and after. I didn't see any photography but I'm sure it was there.
