Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Rehearsal Promises goodies for June 18th

We had another morning rehearsal at half nine this morning and it brought ripening fruit: since his vocalising was well received on Monday night, Jonas will sing another new song at the next show on June 18th at Hoxton Underbelly which promises to be a ground smelling success. It's called Bunny Trap

Bunny Trap is about snares and critters and their relations. The character is known as Busy Squeakle, a hair-bander. His real name is not known so much. In his hair bands, he tries to get his own words in, but isn't even indy enough for indy, yet. While wrestling with his career he much reckon with the realer realities of composting and rodents, contemplate hunter-gathering and wonder why sugar is so attractive.

We worked on another piece has not been performed, called Single Minister, vocalised by David, which you can expect on June 18th. A march and honey-walking slow jam supports David's character who lives on the 14th floor, so rich, and it's so hard to be rich, the prime minister wishes they could be poor, like everyone does. Child support is so humbling...
Also, What's Gotten Into you Boy found another bridge over to I Am Meat via some montuno-like piano rhythms. We may not perform this again in favour of something fresh.
Any requests, drop them by. We feature new material at every show. There will be feedback forms for you to scribble all your fortunes and misgivings, disappointments, and forgotten appointments, on. Oh, and the best improv band in England. Oh, and a WE, probably the most exciting band we've put on thus far in 4 Reprobate Revues:

Oh, and FOUL GEESE! Maybe they should have that title. So well-ill-suited we are...

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